Easily some of the stupidest rhetoric in the world from arguably the most powerful man on the planet - you won't know whether to laugh or cry! It's no great surprise that the president of the United States is a target for ridicule, (what politician isn't?), what's frightening is the sheer volume of ammunition that he gives to his critics. Anyone would think he was stupid. This hilarious creation is a toy replica of George Bush - he's wearing a casual leather jacket, a lumber jack shirt, jeans and a pair of shiny black dress shoes.
At the touch of a button you can listen to an assortment of his now infamous quotes, unedited and straight from the horse's moving mouth. There are two buttons - 'funny' and 'inspirational'
Possibly the funniest toy that you'll come across this year and definitely worth having in the house for side-splitting after dinner party entertainment - here are a few choice phrases to whet your appetite: 'I know how hard it is to put food on your family.' 'If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure.' 'You can't take the high horse and then claim the low road.' 'Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?'
Talks and moves his head; poseable hands. Funny sayings and inspiration sayings (you choose by pushing 1 of 2 buttons) Doll is 12" tall. Sample sayings: (Funny: "I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO PUT FOOD ON YOUR FAMILY", "LOWER VOTER TURNOUT IS A CASE OF FEWER PEOPLE GOING TO THE POLES". Inspirational: WE CANNOT LET ROGUE NATIONS HOLD OUR COUNTRY HOSTAGE", "A STRONG AMERICA IS BASED UPON STRONG FAMILIES"......over 20 sayings in all. TEXAS BUSH VERSION wearing Blue Jeans, Green Plaid Shirt, and Brown 'Leather' Jacket.
AC/DC - batteries not included; AC adapter not included. The box says "features Synchro-motion mouth" the mouth moves. The head moves as he speaks.
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